Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

This is the year that didn't happen. Isn't that what many are saying? This is certainly true for Tim and me. The year we didn't go on vacation to see the family in Oregon and Hawaii. The year we didn't go to PA to see family until Tim's dad passed away and we went to grieve with them, praying we were not going to bring covid to them or home with us. The year we didn't attend church services most Sundays or receive communion frequently. We are thankful that services were available online and that a Christmas Eve service had masks required to be worn for all, so we felt comfortable attending. But it didn't feel the same, because we waved hello to many members but didn't stay to chat or hug. 

The pain in my leg finally diminished enough to walk without a cane and sleep for more than 4 hours the first of December. Then my shoulder started hurting, so much that getting dressed was too painful, so Tim became my dresser and began calling me 'Queen" with affection of course. And after months of sitting more and walking less, the lower leg that had vein issues 4 years ago was painful enough that I made an appointment with the vein doctor. These past few weeks, I have not had a full night's sleep, waking after a few hours in pain. That's when I move to the living room recliner and fall back asleep under a heat pad on my shoulder. 

So this is the first year I think since joining Resurrection in 1977 that we did not attend church for Christmas Day service. Because the mask rule wasn't applied today and because I was in such pain this morning, I followed Tim's insistence we stay home. We have been using Amazon for many purchases, needs and wants, and I have spent more on stamping supplies this year than any other, so we both agreed we wouldn't buy gifts for each other. I did get Tim a new mug so he would have something to open today and I had gifts from my sister, my niece and my friend Diane to open. We bought candy for our stockings. 

Tim has been doing the grocery shopping since the spring because he can do it so much faster than me (I read too many labels and buy stuff not on the list) so he picked out a couple of steaks to grill for our Christmas dinner along with russet potatoes and peas. We also had a store bought pumpkin pie and cookies that were given to us for dessert. But I was not feeling great after sleeping most of the afternoon so had a small piece of one steak and skipped the pie. I think this is the first time that Tim and I were alone for Christmas Day.

But this is Christmas! It is the day we celebrate the babe in the manger who became our Savior on the cross! I started the day watching this video from Time of Grace that helped emphasize that for me:

And then I ended the day listening to the Christmas Day service from a WELS church in California that was put online because that state is on complete lock down. They did an excellent production incorporating members of the congregation and music from two of my favorite bands, Branches Band and Koine. That is one of the blessings of this pandemic, that many churches across the country and in Canada are making their services available online.

So Merry Christmas everyone and Peace be yours because God sent His Son to earth for us to be saved and one day live with him forever in His Kingdom. JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

 It is Thanksgiving Day 2020 and while I know many in the country are wondering why give thanks, I have much to be grateful: family, friends, and my faith. My husband has been wonderful taking care of my these past two months when walking was painful. My family and friends have sent cards and prayers to heaven. And sitting down has given me time to read my Bible and devotions more and to color in my Bible while contemplating the promise of JOY in the LORD.

I finally have some relief for the pain in my right leg after getting a shot of cortisone in my hip yesterday. I am not 100% yet but getting there. Today I was able to get out of bed without pain and bend more at the waist while sitting. And when I walk it is not near as painful as it was a few days ago. The doctor said it might take a week for full effect.

And here's something that makes me happy, bluebirds splashing in my backyard:

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The word of the Lord is my comfort...

 Since the beginning of October I have had pain in one leg that, upon further testing, seems to be caused by a bone spur on  my hip. I am trying the less invasive (SLOW) treatment with medication for inflammation. I expect I will need something more like a cortisone shot, but need another 10 days to see. Anyways, because I am doing a lot of sitting and Scripture reading, I have been coloring in my Beautiful Word Bible more often. I had put my coloring aside for a while but started again when I went to PA for 10 days when Tim's dad passed away. It was a way to pass the time and keep me in the word. Here are pages I have colored in the past 6 weeks or so. It is nice to focus on the Bible passages as I color. 

My preferred supplies for these is fine line gel pens and colored pencils, but occasionally I also use ink or watercolor as I did for the mountain I drew myself on the page above.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Avoiding Negativity

Wow, I just realized that this post was written back on Sept.7, but never published. So here it is now.

I started my day with a short YouTube video from Time of Grace about negativity. The Bible verse referenced was Psalm 32:5:

Then I acknowledged my sin to you
    and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess
    my transgressions to the Lord.”
And you forgave
    the guilt of my sin.

I found that page in my coloring Bible and circled it, then colored the verse that was already on that page. (Ps 32:8) about God instructing in the was to go and keeping his loving eye on us. There was an illustration of a strange looking eye, I thought so I covered it with a compass I stamped and glued it over that spot.

This other page is a quote from Psalm 31:9. I remembered singing that one in church, so while that tune was humming in my head, I hand lettered the first line, stamped the praying hands and the color swatches, sponged color along the edges and glued it onto the page.  I also underlined the full verse. I really like how that one turned out. I really like how that one turned out.

Here’s the link to the Time of Grace channel, Grace Talks, if you would like to check them out.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Back to Bible Journaling

 I just read my post from May, writing about the virus killing people, changing lives for so many back then. So not much has changed in that regard, but I have gotten back to coloring in my Bibles. First I took a free "class' with Rebekah R. Jones to learn something about using colored pencils in my Bibles. (If you don't know her, check her out on Facebook.) Best thing about colored pencils is no bleed through. So this was the page I did, tracing the fruit from a hand-out she gave us. This was done in my ESV journaling Bible which has space on the margin of each page.

Then I decided to get back to coloring in my Beautiful Word NIV Bible after watching services on Youtube on Sundays.

And I wanted to add a stamped image and colored pencil, so I did this one on the back the Phillipians page above. I think I may go back and trace over what you can see through on that page with a colored pencil.

Tim and I are still doing well. We were sad to not travel this summer to see our little Hawaii family and have Luci here to experience the Star Wars fun at Disney, but hopefully next year... in the meantime, here's a photo of Isabella on her first day of Kindergarten with her teacher Gotta love that unicorn shirt!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

This is the day that the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it! 
Psalm 118:24

It is a beautiful Sunday today. The sun is shining the birds are singing and butterflies flit about the flowers in my yard. I can certainly rejoice. Easy to say it’s a beautiful day, rejoice. However, there Is a storm bringing excessive wind and rain off another coast, and cold air descended on parts of the country bringing unexpected snow on Mother’s Day. Thousands of people are sick, thousands have died, multiply that by the number of family members who are grieving, not able to be with the loved ones’ bedside. What about the lonely people who yearn to be able to socialize with friends and family again?  And so many without work or paychecks, who worry their businesses may never recover...should they rejoice today? YES and YES! Because we have a promise from God that all our sins are forgotten, washed clean by Jesus‘ death and resurrection, and we have a place in heaven when our time here on Earth is finished. Does that mean sadness and loneliness are not allowed? Of course not. Even Jesus wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus. But remember the promises and rejoice. I know it is hard to do during times of trouble, and I pray that I will never forget to rejoice.

I just realized today is May 17. Tim and I met 48 years ago on this date at my sister Jo's house. He and his housemates were playing catch out in the street with my nephews. And the rest as they say is history. It has been so long I barely remember a time when Tim was not part of my life. Another reason to rejoice!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Back in the kitchen again

When I retired almost 10 years ago and moved with my husband to Florida, I gave away almost all my cookbooks and chose to have simple suppers and eat out 3 or more times a week. Now I cook every night again, especially with my crock pot. Because I limit grocery shopping to once a week,  I am also using more canned than fresh or frozen vegetables. I am glad I kept a few of my favorite cookbooks. I really miss going to my favorite restaurants with friends.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Short fuses

Yesterday did not start well. A few minutes after waking up my husband told me he ordered some items on Amazon’s grocery delivery service because he does not want to make unnecessary trips to the store. He did this while I was still sleeping, so I did not have any input. That bothered me. Then when I looked up what he ordered, I saw 24 cups of Ramen noodle soup and 4 pounds of rice, two things I do not eat eat much and something we already have in the house. This upset me. When I questioned him about his choices he became defensive. This irritated me. He didn’t order the one thing I am hoping to not run out of, cream for my coffee. (He drinks his black.) This worried me. And of course, he was not happy with my questioning his decisions. We went to our separate corners, as the fighters would say.

I had forgotten a verse of Scripture that is good to live by:

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, and slow to become angry.     James1:19

This stay-at-home routine is starting to wear on me. It has been a very slow week since we began this isolated routine. The day got better, I vented to a friend, he confessed to the same friend not knowing I had already done so, and we both looked at the silliness in it all. I will memorize that Bible verse and do my best to live it.

I would love to get comments on this blog. It helps to know I have readers and that I may be, in a small way, making your day brighter.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Backyard Blessings

This is the view from where I often sit in my back porch, or lanai as it is called here in Florida. You can see my bird feeders hanging there and the plants and fountain that my husband installed for me. He calls it my Botannical wonderland. I sit out there more these days because I don’t leave the house as much now with the virus out there, and the weather is just right. Sunny and cool mornings which lead into sunny and warm afternoons.

My feeders have attracted different kinds of birds. Last year we had beautiful bluebirds come for the dried mealworms. I haven’t spotted any yet this year, but I do have a possessive mockingbird who dive bombs other birds who come to the feeders. Perhaps they came and were scared away. When I first hung the feeders many grackles would dominate them. I hung two more feeders, platforms with room for more birds at one time. Since then I haven’t seen the grackles in such large groups., and the seed is lasting longer. I am excited to see a pair of red-bellied woodpeckers come to the two caged tube feeders I filled with a fruit and nut mix. One feeder is made especially for woodpeckers with a place for them to rest their tails. It also is spring loaded so squirrels and multiple birds, or heavy oat tail grackles, force it to close. Unfortunately two woodpeckers at one time are weighty enough to close it, too, so they use both feeders then. Yesterday one was on the feeder when a grackle landed on top. The woodpecker stopped feeding, went to the top of the feeder and faced the grackle with her sharp beak open. That was enough to make the grackle leave. No fighting, just staring down, a Cold War of sorts. On another spring loaded feeder with perches for small birds, I see small palm and pine warblers, and earlier in winter a pair of cardinals as well.

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Monday, March 23, 2020

This is Their Lot

It has been awhile since I picked up my daily devotion books but today I woke up earlier than usual and decided this is something I should do regularly, a habit I should develop, going to bed earlier at night so I get a full night's sleep and waking before the sun comes up with time to read my devotion and enter my thoughts here. Today's Scripture passage in the devotion was this:

Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 New International Version (NIV)

18 This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. 20 They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.

Do you see those words in there that made me think of this blog page? "this is a gift of God" Our country is in a crisis right now. The Covid-19 virus, the pandemic, has reached our country: thousands are getting sick, hundreds are dying, hospitals are being overwhelmed with shortages of space and necessary ventilators, gloves, and masks, toilet paper is in high demand and hard to buy, restaurants are closed or open only to carry out, we are told not to gather in groups and to stay away from friends and family, no hugging or shaking hands. This is a gift of God?

Yes, every day is a gift of God and God keeps me occupied with a glad heart. I have the riches of heaven to look forward to because Jesus took on my sins, died on the cross for me, and rose from the dead preparing a way for me to get there. I plan on keeping my focus on the little things I have in my life that bring me joy, the things that make me smile, and the people I am grateful to have in my life.