Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bet you thought I had given up blogging!

So what if it has been almost a year since I entered any posts? That is no reason to think I had given up on this endeavor. I just did not have a "roundto-it", you know as in "I will get around to it, just not today."

I often have thoughts in my head telling me, "you should blog that" here I am again.

Read this today on the WELS site for daily devotions:

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13

And I remembered that I wanted to start blogging about things that are making me happy right now. (Although the above quote says to be content even you are not "happy"...)

So what is making me happy today? Here is the answer, in no particular order of degrees of happiness:
  • friends who share their love of stamping and card making
  • my granddaughter Luci who is graduating from 5th grade today
  • my son #3 Daniel graduating from Portland State University with a math degree
  • #1 son Sam and Liane who will be getting married in July
  • Getting to see #4 son Ben, DIL Vanessa, and granddaughter Isabella for a week to celebrate the wedding, along with son's 1 & 3
  • being able to talk on the phone with #2 son Jake
  • Florida weather that makes it possible to exercise in the pool outside and have flowers in my yard year round
Daniel in his apartment

Sam, Liane, me and Lucy last January

Ben, Vanessa, Isabella in Maui last January

I hope you have something that makes you happy today.