Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

This is the year that didn't happen. Isn't that what many are saying? This is certainly true for Tim and me. The year we didn't go on vacation to see the family in Oregon and Hawaii. The year we didn't go to PA to see family until Tim's dad passed away and we went to grieve with them, praying we were not going to bring covid to them or home with us. The year we didn't attend church services most Sundays or receive communion frequently. We are thankful that services were available online and that a Christmas Eve service had masks required to be worn for all, so we felt comfortable attending. But it didn't feel the same, because we waved hello to many members but didn't stay to chat or hug. 

The pain in my leg finally diminished enough to walk without a cane and sleep for more than 4 hours the first of December. Then my shoulder started hurting, so much that getting dressed was too painful, so Tim became my dresser and began calling me 'Queen" with affection of course. And after months of sitting more and walking less, the lower leg that had vein issues 4 years ago was painful enough that I made an appointment with the vein doctor. These past few weeks, I have not had a full night's sleep, waking after a few hours in pain. That's when I move to the living room recliner and fall back asleep under a heat pad on my shoulder. 

So this is the first year I think since joining Resurrection in 1977 that we did not attend church for Christmas Day service. Because the mask rule wasn't applied today and because I was in such pain this morning, I followed Tim's insistence we stay home. We have been using Amazon for many purchases, needs and wants, and I have spent more on stamping supplies this year than any other, so we both agreed we wouldn't buy gifts for each other. I did get Tim a new mug so he would have something to open today and I had gifts from my sister, my niece and my friend Diane to open. We bought candy for our stockings. 

Tim has been doing the grocery shopping since the spring because he can do it so much faster than me (I read too many labels and buy stuff not on the list) so he picked out a couple of steaks to grill for our Christmas dinner along with russet potatoes and peas. We also had a store bought pumpkin pie and cookies that were given to us for dessert. But I was not feeling great after sleeping most of the afternoon so had a small piece of one steak and skipped the pie. I think this is the first time that Tim and I were alone for Christmas Day.

But this is Christmas! It is the day we celebrate the babe in the manger who became our Savior on the cross! I started the day watching this video from Time of Grace that helped emphasize that for me:

And then I ended the day listening to the Christmas Day service from a WELS church in California that was put online because that state is on complete lock down. They did an excellent production incorporating members of the congregation and music from two of my favorite bands, Branches Band and Koine. That is one of the blessings of this pandemic, that many churches across the country and in Canada are making their services available online.

So Merry Christmas everyone and Peace be yours because God sent His Son to earth for us to be saved and one day live with him forever in His Kingdom. JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME!