Friday, November 16, 2012


So I am still counting my blessings leading up to Thanksgiving Day and I have to mention that my sisters are definitely on my list. I have three and they each add something special to my life. I do not think there is anything I could ask from each of them that they would say no to.

Lou is the sister closest in age to me. We grew up fighting each other for our parents' and older siblings' attention, but once we grew up and became mothers ourselves the fighting stopped. We both married Navy men and ended up living in the same city. It was great having her close enough to visit and just chat about nothing in particular. She was there when my kids were growing up and I loved how she loved them just because they were my kids. I only hope I have shown her kids the same love and kindness. Actually, all three of my sisters have been that way about my kids, but Lou was there with us when they were growing up, so she was the first to hear about all their "adventures" good and bad. Being in Florida now and not in the same city, I miss seeing her whenever I wanted to stop for coffee and to play a game of Scrabble. She also had great holiday dinners in her home that I still hope to get to one of these years.

Lou (standing) and Jo at Trulee's wedding, 2008
 Jo is the middle sister for me. Some of my favorite memories growing up involve tagging along with her and her teenage friends to school events. I remember going with her to the little "hang out" restaurant near the high school where she would let me pick songs on the jukebox.(Music from the 50s and 60s are still some of my listening favorites.) Jo also brought me to every Disney movie that was playing in town. I think I got my love for the movies and TV dramas from her. She has a wonderful husband, Dave who also has been there for me whenever I needed him. I love that I can talk to Jo about books, TV, and movies whenever something new (or old) catches my attention. If it wasn't for Jo, I would not have met my husband,  and, because that worked out so well, I am eternally grateful to her.

Then there is Angie, my oldest sister. DSH refers to her as my twin sister born ten years earlier. There have been times when he swears it's me talking about something, only to realize it is Angie. I called her one day to say I had become a demonstrator for a stamp company, and she laughed and said, "I just signed my contract, too!" I will be thinking about her and she will call right then. So we have a special connection, that's for sure. She is the reason I became a teacher and the reason I moved here to Florida.  After we figured out our cell phone company didn't charge for calls between us, we began calling each other at least once a day, so it was only logical that I would move closer to her after we retired. We stamp together, attend aquatics together, shop together, visit museums together,  go out to eat together, and still have a list of places we want to see together.
Lou, me, Angie, and Linda July 2009

While searching for pix to put on this page, I found the one above that included my dear sister-in-law Linda. I want to include her here on my list of blessings for which I am thankful. The in law part is only a technicality, as she has been part of my life since I was very little. Fortunately for me, she lived (and still lives) on a pond where her family owned a campground. So many summers were spent visiting her and my brother Mike where I got to fish with boloney as bait, swim, and generally hang out in the woods. Maybe my love for the environment came from hanging around with her. Her son, Mike was the first kid entrusted to me for baby sitting, too. My brother has passed away, but Linda will always be my sister emeritus!

Frank, Dave, Tim, and Don
Another of the blessings of having sisters are brothers in law. Here's a picture of the 4 of them together, including my DSH. I am also grateful that our husbands enjoy each others company and share common interests as well. They belong to an exclusive club, The LODGE!
(Lovers of Derocher Girls Exclusively)

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